Annual Update 2022
I lost my heart
To the community of Malingua Pamba
in April, 2003
Can You Believe It?
-About about to celebrate 20years working with the Kichwa! (Over a generation …)
-Continue to Celebrate TEAM WORK!
-And the Power of Our Supporters!
You Rock!
-Waterproofed Roof!
-Painted exterior of ALL Educational Buildings
-Painted interior of ALL Educational Buildings
-Fixed Electrical Issues
NEVER FEAR – Tenemos un Equipo Fantástico!
With the add’l Educ. Bldgs, we have been able to move the LIBRARY from this small,cramped, one-window room to the multi-window, larger ex-Compu Lab
Much to my chagrin, our now ex-librarian Blankishas chosen to take a minimum pay ($425/mo) job (packing broccoli @ Provefrut) as her husband’s truck driving business can’t thrive with the inflated gas prices.
Original library:
concrete floor; one door & one window.
Our new librarian - Marcy
PC Computers donated by Susie Baird & Kellie Thompson & 5 Apple Compus by San Jose, CA Middle School
GOOD NEWS - Education
GOOD NEWS - Education
Tania Umajinga
– Graphic Design
Cristian Sacatoro
– Graphic Design
Marcy Toaquiza Sigcha
– Elementary Teacher
Andy Toaquiza Guishca
– Teacher
Lucy Jahaira Sacatoro
- Beautician
Flor Mishel Oto
– Chef
Sandy Pamela Cuchipe
– Beautician
-In-person classes!
-Library has 7 working computers!
-Rumor mill says that we should be getting internet soon.
-New Distributor of Becas, Ramiro – he has some really GREAT ideas!
-Since my last newsletter (late 2020) we have had 7 graduates:
GOOD NEWS – Education cont’d
Our prestigious Becado Grupitomeets monthly to do a minga; alternating which community benefits.
EWB Water Projects
Let's all SMILE for Water!
Cont’d EWB Water Projects
Poured a HUGE tank in Samilpamba.... Minga Rules!
EWB also did assessment for Yugsialo Project – to begin in 6 months.
Summary of EWB recent projects on our website:
Here is my segue to the BAD NEWS
Our Champion EWBers (John Jankousky‘Johncito Uno’ and Chris Best) were joined by
John Giordanengo ‘Johncito Dos”,
Aloterra Services -> Erosion Control
Samilpamba Water Project September 2022-
Engineers Without Borders was able to do their first trip since 2019
Sept, 2022
Major Erosion Problem(s)
-Where? Landslide against our Edificio Grande!!! OMGoodness;-(
-Causes: unusually heavy rains & removal of native plants
-Plus Erosion Cut near Colegio Viejo
-& more… BUMMER!
Johncito Dos, who is also an ex-EWB volunteer, speaks Spanish, is now creating a design.
Expect UPDATE in next newsletter!
The current government of Ecuador is very corrupt. Three Malinguans have contacted me (from NJ!) asking me to help them find work. Several other Malinguans have asked me to help them get into USA.
Our becados created a dance as part of the Welcome Ceremony!
Elvia, la Presidenta de Malingua Pamba & I would dance the night away for anything you’d like to donate!
We REALLY NEED electronics!!!
• cell phone
• laptop
• tablet
There is a 35% tax on these items in EC.
The Kichwa & I are
VERY grateful for all of your support!
Don’t ever forget that
The Granby Rotary is SO FINE!
Thank you for your continued
Pam Gilbert
retired Math teacher
Centro Educativo La Minga, Inc.
a tax-deductible, non-profit