Dear Padrinos y Madrinas!
November 2018
Let us begin as the Kichwa begin. They always take the time to greet as well as extend the warm hope that you, your family, and all of your loved ones are well. They are mindful that every day is a day in which to be thankful. So let me take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving and hope that this will be a great season for you and those who surround you.
It is a mixed blessing to say that I simply cannot update you on all of the happenings in Ecuador quickly. Completion of the Irrigation System in the Malingua Pamba Watershed; likewise for Guantugloma (adjacent watershed up at 12,000 ft); and the beginnings of a Potable Water Project for Samil Pamba (also nearby). More student successes and more attending post-high school education. So, I am going to devote this letter to the most costly of the Projects and the one which I believe most of you know of La Segunda Etapa – the Second Story for the Edificio Grande (which was inaugurated in April 2010).
After talking, cajoling, waiting for over two years… ‘cats would have been easier to herd!’ the second story (La Segunda Etapa) for our beautifully built Edificio Grande is well underway.
#1. After dealing with two different (Ecuadorian) Directors of Education, the 3rdone, Director Victor said he was committed to helping us with the Science Lab. In addition to promising a Science teacher & 15 new computers, he said he was ready to release the funds for some of the materials (cement, rebar, and blocks).
#2. After two years of pestering the Malinguans to indicate what they wanted to be included in this large footprint (75’ x 25’), we finally received their design which featured a Science Labdoubling as a mini-industrial kitchen as well as a teaching area specifically designed for science experiments, office, and a computer lab.

Location for La Segunda Etapa Before & July 2018 views
I am proud to tell you that Elvia Ante is our Supervisor – La Jefa. She has been sending me photos (via WhatsApp).
#3. So, when I shared this info with Alejandro (Alex), our webmaster, there was spontaneous combustion! He contacted his architect and Chemical engineer friend, Hugo from Mexico. The two of them flew down to Ecuador at the end of June for 10 days. (See back of this page.) After doing their due diligence, i.e. touring various high schools, meeting with now the 4thDirector of Educ 1(clearly a political position, eh?!) and having community meetings in Malingua, Hugo produced the design pictured above. AND WORK BEGAN!
1 The current (fourth) Director, Silvia who was the exec. asst. to the then H.S. Principal in Isinlivi (2004-06) where I was volunteering teaching math and English. El Mundo es tan Pequeno – no?!
We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you can add a little extra to help with the Science Lab (a ‘mere’ $40K short of our goal!)
You are SO Fine!
Abracitos, Pamelita
As you know, 100% of any donation goes to helping with education and/or the specific project that you have designated i.e. Science Lab. We would not exist without your help & we only ‘pester’ you once a year!
Reminder: There are several ways to donate – here are the easiest options: OR
* check written to Centro Educativo La Minga, Inc. & use the enclosed stamped envelope
* clickDONATE(using Paypal) from our website: www.escuelaminga.org <- can also read regular updates.