Mario Ghobrial
From the moment I arrived I knew Malingua Pamba was both perfect and special. It is a small village nestled deep in the Andean mountains surrounded by beautiful valleys, amazing people and a small school founded and inspired by an amazing woman Pamela S Gilbert. For me the best memories you have on your travels are not the sights you see but the relationships you create and the fond memories you have with people you encounter. Being in a small village like Malingua Pamba, far off the beaten track, deep in the Andean mountains was the perfect opportunity for just that. Life is different here, simple, clear, undisturbed. The days are long, laughter is plenty and the people here have a special charm. I was fortunate enough to spend three weeks volunteering in the school which was an absolute blast. for the most part I was the sport teacher playing all different kinds of sport, in particular Soccer. The kids are an absolute pleasure to teach, filled with a yearning for learning and a desire to get the best education possible. It was perfect to practice my Spanish as well as I was the only english speaking person there. I loved seeing the smiles of the kids during school, they love having Volunteers come and give their precious time and teach in the school. The Sacatoro family, which is the family I stayed with felt like my own, the food Elvira Cooked was amazing and Paulino is loads of fun always showing me different things about Andean culture and life. On my weekends I spent my time exploring the surrounds of Malingua with great day trips to be done like Kiloton and the hot springs. Malingua Pamba is definitely a special place and if your ever in Ecuador don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit and spend some time here.