Celebration of Flag Day in Malingua Pamba!
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This is our 8th high school graduation class!
Low-cost, sustainable methods of revegetation for erosion control are implemented by Ecuadorian Kichwa community using locally available materials
Working in community, agrarian Kichwas of Cotopaxi province in the Ecuadorian Andes are using native trees and shrubs, wood stakes, locally-woven erosion mats, and rock supply to revegetate eroding slopes. Erosion, caused by road construction, placement of water supply infrastructure, vegetation burning, and crop cultivation on steep inclines, is prevalent throughout many montane cloud forest areas. Costs and lack of effective techniques have been barriers to corrective action. In 2009, during Engineers Without Borders irrigation work, EWB members and villagers began discussion of erosion control projects. The projects, jointly implemented in 2012 and 2013, included native tree and shrub plantings, installation of contour ditches to promote water infiltration, placement of erosion control mats, and installation of live-stake woody barriers and wind breaks. Village students grew out 300 hundred native woody species from stake clippings. The community built rock structures which included plunge pools, check dams, cross vanes, bank armoring, and toe walls. Local education included field trips and class room instruction, distribution of booklets documenting appropriate native plants for erosion control, erosion control techniques, and the community’s project work. During the 2015 EWB monitoring trip, most sites were in good to very good condition with very satisfactory plant growth and greatly increased soil stability. Enma Sacatoro, a village woman and recent university graduate with a concentration in environmental protection, now directs revegetation for erosion control throughout a wider area.
Pam Gilbert
'72 Built a School in Ecuador- and Endows CMU Scholarship with Gift in Will
This country is so rich in its diversity and gifts, that is not possible to mention all of the events nor everything that I experienced during my visit, but I will try to express the most important things.
It was my first volunteer experience and I did not know exactly what I was looking for or what I would achieve. What I found is a second family, a wonderful family. The few months of my life that I spent in Ecuador made me very happy.
I arrived on the bus from Latacunga. As the bus climbed many meters quickly, I did not feel well but Marco, a boy from a nearby community helped me, chatting with me and letting me know when to get off the bus for Malingua Pamba. Ignacio and Elvia’s children welcomed me; immediately wanting to find me a husband here so that I would not feel alone. During my first day of school, Professor Bolivar took me under his wing in his class with whom I worked thereafter.
Marie Foucard
Minga in Malingua Pamba
October ’15 Engineers Without Borders (EWB) -Denver Professional Chapter Updates
Did you know that we have TWO Rotary Global Grants in action right now?
September ’15: Our fearless leader, John J and his core team of Russ Z & Bob B plus newbee Johanna returned for yet another stage (4th or 5th?!) of the Guantugloma Potable Water Project funded by the Global Grant written by the Aurora Rotary. The Guantuglomans have been very active by having mingas (volunteer work parties) under the direction of the EWB Team as well as completing their ‘assignments’ as given by the Team between their semi-annual visits. The teamwork between the USA and the Ecuadorian Kichwas has been awesome to behold. For more info, see the EWB website.
October ’15: After 1.5 years (or more!) in the planning, the huge undertaking of bringing drip irrigation to lower portion of the Malingua Pamba-Quinta Tunguiche Watershed was begun. Eden Recor, the Winter Park Rotarian who wrote this Global Grant went down to complete/supervise the ordering/receiving of the materials from our Rotarian host partners, the Latacunga Rotary Club along with EWB Jon B. one week prior to the start of the mingas. Meanwhile, there have been several overlapping sub-teams to coordinate the local mingas with the last group to return to the USA at the end of October. If you would like to hear the live update, please attend the Oct. 27th EWB-EC meeting for the preliminary report. See location on EWB website. FYI: The Potable Water Project for the Malingua Pamba-Quinta Tunguiche Watershed was completed by this same EWB chapter in 2012. As one would expect there have been some needed tweaking plus some new regulations from the Ecuador Department of Water (i.e. water meters are now required). Fortunately a local NGO (FEPP) has stepped up to make these revisions.
Mid-February ’16 Trip to Ecuador
Pam is planning on attending Enma’s wedding on February 13-14th in Malingua Pamba. This trip is in the planning stages – so the exact length of trip and itinerary would be partially set by any other interested travelers. Please contact her at pamelita@escuelaminga.org if you are interested.
Blanca, our librarian has her Driver's License
Blanca is the 14th person that CELM has financially supported to get a DL! And the only Girl!